Bharath Viswam
2 min readDec 28, 2015


Are we still down to traditional things???

It has been quite a long time since we started following the path provided traditionally to us mainly by our tutors,role models etc. Its pathetic to see no major innovations in any field rather than discoveries.Like Einsteins or Newtons work which we all fancy but never came to experience such things in our era. The reason “We still travel in the path shown by some”.

Recently,I was stopped by an engineer in BSNL(Telecommunication pioneers in India) who asked me how to change IX to VI ,me along with a group of friends started thinking,is this man nuts.As a grown ups we knew IX-III=VI we all shouted it out as we thought we were made a joking material. Then as we all started to move-on he just stopped us and said “Just by putting an S behind IX will get you SIX”.We didn’t really gave a serious thought at that time but that has created or conveyed a strong message;that we still follow the same traditional methods followed by our tutors or even theirs.When we think of many who changed the world from Einstein to Mahatma Gandhi they never followed anyone's path instead they created their own and the rest is history.

We know our path but we still are confined in the creation of few.Come out and show the world what’s yours and let the history speak about us too.We are here to change ,as Robert Frost said “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference” .

Lets Give this a Serious thought.

